宏利營造有限公司於1981年成立,致力成為一家具規模、信譽良好及業務多元化的工程公司。本公司在1986年至1990年期間已為多間商店、工廠及私人住宅提供機電及冷氣工程。隨著業務擴充,本公司亦開始提供多項工程服務,包括排水系統、消防系統以及裝修工程等服務。1990年初,本公司業務範圍已擴展為醫院、酒店、 商業大廈及商場等提供優質及環保的工程服務。為求開拓多元化業務,本公司不斷引入各方面的人才和技術,亦於1995年由原來名稱「宏利機電工程有限公司」正式改名為「宏利營造有限公司」。近年,本公司有幸能參與兩間著名的主題公園——香港海洋公園及香港迪士尼樂園的多項工程服務。
Founded in 1981, Wang & Lee mainly conducted Electrical and MVAC Installations. By 1990, we had provided services for a great number of shops, factories and residential buildings. It was then that Wang & Lee decided to expand by providing more engineering services such as Plumbing and Drainage Systems, Fire Services, fit-out works and much more. With the introduction of new services, our client base diversified to include hospitals, hotels, commercial buildings and shopping malls. In 1995, our company name was changed from Wang & Lee Engineering (M/E) Limited to Wang & Lee Contracting Limited.
Today, Wang & Lee works with clients ranging from small startups to large companies. Our most recent projects include the two well-known theme parks in Hong Kong – Ocean Park and Disneyland. Wang & Lee has been truly blessed to be able to provide exceptional service to our clients for over 30 years and we look forward to what awaits us in the next 30! |